NBFA Supports TPP
For Immediate Release
Date October 8 th 2015
Contact: John Boyd (434) 2102286
National Black Farmers Association Applauds Completion Of TPP Negotiations
Washington D.C. – The National Black Farmers Association, representing over 109,000 farmers in the U.S. issued the following statement upon the announced conclusion of the TransPacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations: “All indications are that the TransPacific Partnership deal concluded in Atlanta will be of tremendous benefit to America’s 46,000+plus fulltime Black Farmers, to all of U.S. agriculture and, indeed, to the entire U.S. economy,” said John Boyd, President of the National Black Farmers Association (NBFA). “Like others in the farming and ranching community, we look forward to reviewing the details of this historic highstandard 21st century agreement with anticipation to see it get through Congress and to implementing a deal that will result in soaring exports for America’s farmers, including its AfricanAmerican farmers, a community that is growing in numbers.”
The elimination of foreign taxes in the form of tariffs on many U.S. foods and other Agricultural products is a huge step in the right direction for members of the NBFA said Boyd. Promoting coordination on trade in organic agricultural products directly impacts the betterment of all small farmers Boyd conclude. TPP and an increase on the demand for farm products will add new jobs to the U.S. Economy. Increasing farm production will generate more revenue for farm families!